Monday 7 November 2016

Clean Kitchen

Drawing from life can be a challenge because I need my glasses to see anything past two feet but need to take them off to see my sketchbook. These transition lens aren't working :(  Ink, wash, watercolour coloured pencils and prismacolor white on toned paper.


Pouring rain today, glad I ran out earlier this morning and grabbed these leaves. #DRAWember #NaSKeFiMo

Thursday 3 November 2016

Memorial commission wip

On the table at the moment. Memorial commission. What a sweet dog. Polychromos and prismacolor on coldpress paper 9x12.  I'll be doing two the same.

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Having a hard time getting started on my #DRAWember  so I decided to draw my feelings .. chicken with attitude! First page in a new book is always the hardest.

Friday 21 October 2016

These are my attempt at doing "inktober". At least it's two more than last year lol. These are the Tomatoes from my garden.  The weather turned cold and I had no choice but harvest them all at once. 110lbs is a lot of tomatoes.  Be busy for a while.

 My sweet Molly.  She sat so nice I couldn't help but sketch her.  Doodles by the TV.